Friday, November 21, 2008

I know.....I know...

i suffer badly from slack bloggers disease! LOL
Well not much is happening around here, justthe same ol, same know the drill!
Ok looking at the last post...bad girls...what a hoot that was!!
i did get kicked off as predicted but i kept doing the other classes in any case. i had a blast! Boy O boy there is some AMAZING talent out there!!!
i was so thrilled to get as far as I did. What an ego boost im telling you!!
Now for another ego boost! Guess who is on Zarah's blog this week?? go on guess!!! ME!!!!!!

Go here to see!! i was so stoked she asked me! What a thrill!!!

And i'm so sad to read she is stopping her sketches for a bit......o no!! but i do understand the needing a break bit!! I hope you arent away for too long zarah!

Ok what else has been happening.....not much! The kids are growing like weeds! Flyn already has his two bottom teeth through.....
Check out these two photos that Kloe took of funny!

And my little Xmas Elf.....he is so cheeky!

Jack is getting SO tall! Think he might be a basketball player!

ok some more exciting news is happening around here...but forthe time being i cant say anymore.....
Just have to go now and prepare for it.......well kind of.......
wish us luck!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Bad girls.......

Ok so i did the unthinkable and entered into a scrapping contest..o my!!! now all who know me know that i severely lack confidence in everything that i do......

but nevertheless i entered and can you believe i have made it to the fourth round!!!

i'm still pinching myself to make sure its real! The last couple of mondays have had me a nervous wreck waiting to see who made it to the next round! O my!! the talent out there in this colourful world of ours is just amazing!!!

here are my pages so far.

week one.......

Was all about layering......easy peasy one of my favourite techniques!!

Week two......

Was all about mixing different patterns and using the colours in your photo to create unity

Week three.....

Was all about white space but using it to create unity , balance and harmony

Week four.....

is all about texture, but also using thetechniques of unity, balance and harmony.....

Phew...its been a ride i'm telling you, but seriously think the ride is over this week for me, hand my ticket over i'm about to get kicked off the bus......

But i wont be sad and carry on like some who have been expelled from class. its just been the biggest thrill for me!

Ok its the witching hour in my house and theres yelling and screaming everywhere!

must be time to go and try to tame the wild beasts!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Nearly October...

already. can you believe it??

Life is still crazy here. When will it ever be sane in the next 15 years?? probably never!
Not much other than the ususual has been happening!

Jack is a live wire but coming into that O so funny stage! He starting to say more and more words. its so cute! He calls Kloe 'Oeeee" at the top of his lungs! he loves going outside with her, and if she doesnt take him he stands at our back door rattling on it yelling out her name!! cute but also annoying!! And he calls my dad 'Bop' instead of 'Pop" which is just the absolute cutest and my dad loves it! he is such a happy boy and makes everyone around him happy with his funny antics.Chocolate face!!!Love this photo of him! My current fav!

Flyn is growing like a weed. Already 4 months...where has that time gone?? He lays on his belly already starting to push up. digs his feet in! He so wants to be off with the kids out the back playing! Wont be long and he will be! LOL. He is at long last sleeping through the night, although wakes at 5am and thats morning to him! EEEK!!!!!
We have taken to calling him 'Miley!" have a look at that smile!!! And its on his face all the time!!

OMG how cute is this photo! makes me laugh everytime i see it! He so funny already!
And kloe .....well she never changes just gets bigger now!She has just started School holidays for two weeks, so wil be driving me crazy with....I'm bored, what can we do. Do you have to scrapbook all the time. Stop taking photos of me......You know the drill. Never ending whinging! LOL She is doing really well at school, passed her LAN test with flying colours so that was a big relief! She starts basketball again after the holidays, but as yet we havent heard what days she is playing , who her coach is or anything!!!
My fave photo ofher at the moment!
Her latest self portrait! No idea why she loves taking photos of herself but hates me doing it! She a dag like the rest of them! LOL

Ummm..what else?? o i had a visit from a very crazy lady who drove for 11 hours to see me!! Over the roughest roads in Australia (otherwise known as the birdsville track!) and some of the mostbeautifuliest countryside 9outback SA and the Flinders Ranges!! lucky i love her or i would have had her commited!! She blew two tyres and was stuck on the side of theroad for over an hour, but she got here. it just wasnt long enough time to spend together!

She brought her kids with her and all the kids got on really well! i was worried they wouldnt as

hers as boys and mine is a girl and two babies. but nope all was great!

Jack had to sneak into this photo! LOL he was Corey's little dude!!

And Scott took Matt out fishing and gave him theexperience of a lifetime Spencer Gulf stlye! Feeding wild dolphins by hand!!!

ok will be back later to update some more and to show you what i have been doing! Off to work now!....o yea did i mention I'm now back at work full time! CRAZY!!!!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Where do the days go??

Dont ask me because I have no idea!!!

Life is just zooming past at 100kms an hour and I just cant seem to catch up!

i'm trying to get back to work but it is so hard with two young ones. one who is extremely busy all the time, and one who likes lots and lots of attention!!

DH has been really sick with the flu which means i dont really want him to be too close to them, I dont want them sick, and that leaves my mum. Well she is my angel but she is also getting older and I dont expect her to have them all the time. I really dont want to put them both in daycare as then there would be no point in me working, except to be out in the adult world. Money wise it would get all eaten up with fees.

So at the moment i am managing to get back there two days a week, which for the time being is going to have to do.

Just means no extra money for the spoil me things, like scrapping supplies. bugga!!!!

ok enough groaning and to share some photos.

First jacks birthday photos!! Ok so i'm running nearly a month late with them but well you get that!

He so wanted that candle!! o my!!!!

Ok now he is happy he has it!!! LOL he is so cheeky!! boy is he keeping us on our toes now that he is walking everywhere! he has figured out how to open the back sliding door so we have to keep it locked all the time now or he is off out with the dog! You forget how quick toddlers can be!! And I thought he was quick when he crawled!!! o my!!!!

Here are some recent photos of my baby with his big sister! o my he is SO much like her in so many ways its not funny! Its like having Kloe as a baby all over again, although he doesnt scream anywhere near as much as she did!!

But he is so nosey like she was and so 'forward'. he is already holding his head up when laying on his belly and can roll from his back to his side and he isnt two month sold for another two days!

Check out those huge big baby blues!! Just a pity he scored his dad's big ears to go with.....LOL

ok til next time.................

Monday, June 23, 2008

Time Flies..............

when you are having fun!! Or just when you are so damn busy youdont notice the days flying past!

Can you believe that Flyn is one month old today!! Already!! O my!! Wont be long and he will be at school! I'm serious!

And on Thursday Jack will be one!! OMG!!!!

Well at least i wont be able to say anymore...Yep i have two boys under 1...LOL. Look at that cheeky face! OMG he is suh a character! I just love him to bits! He is going to be one very naughty boy who is going to get away with everything because he is just so darn cute and such a charmer!!

His latest thing is to say "O God!" to everything! I have no idea where he got it from as its not something that any of us say....well not that i have realised or noticed. but he says it as clear as anything! His whole vocabulary has expanded so much over the past few weeks. I just love the way you ask him something and he says "yea", but shakes his head NO! LOL. Then laughs like a loon and squeals at the top of his lungs like a sheila!

He has also now learnt how to climb up on the lounge so basically nothing is safe, including the poor cat who used to lay on the back of the lounge in safety...Not anymore!

He is taking lots of steps, but still isnt actually walking as such. About 4 or 5 steps is his limit then he drops to his knees and crawls as its much quicker for him. he likes to get from A to B as quick as he can! No taking the slow and leisurely course with him!

Ok can hear the small one stirring! He will be demanding food within seconds I can tell!

So posting this now before i forget!
But had better include a photo of the Miss as well or she will complain! LOL

Sunday, June 08, 2008

some photos

Just some recent photos that i thought i would share as i dont really have much to say other far so good!!!

Jack just absolutely loves to kiss Flyn!
Kloe adores her new baby brother and is a fantastic big sister!!
I just love this photo!! it was meant to be of just Flyn but Kloe decided she wanted her mug in it as well and i think it turned out great! I love it! they have the same eyes!

Monday, May 26, 2008

HE"S HERE...............

Yep the newest member of our household has arrived safe and sound albeit VERY quickly!! Although after walking numerous laps of the hospital corridors ALL afternoon it didnt seem a short tim eto me and my friend Nicole!
Thanks hun for walking with me! Not that it did ANYTHING!!! Waste of time but we had a good gossip and stuff while

Anyway on with the news of the hour!

FLYN DAVIES arrived safely at 6.12pm on May 23rd after a very brief 1hour and 12 min labour! Yep i know how to get them out when they are a coming!! LOL

He weighed in at 7lbs 8oz or 3406gms. So the biggest out of all my bubbas but the quickest!

he was 52cms long. Not sure what that is in inches and I'm too tired to sit and work it

Ok so here is some photos and I'm off to contemplate life.......and the chaos that is now my life!! LOL

Just arrived......Having some skin on skin cuddles with mum under the blanket
Ok so I'm a day old now!!! What mischeif can i get up to?? ummm......thinking.......

Just the three of us!!! Watch out Mum!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Not much happening.....

around here. Well nothing new and as exciting as my last post....LOL

Due date is still around the 20th May so only a month to that has gone quick!!! But i'm telling you I am SO OVER it all! The shortest regnancy but also the longest iykwim. I feel like i've been pregnant forever!

Kloe is doing fabbo. Starts netball again in 2 weeks onn May 3rd. Going to be an interesting game on May 10th. Out of the 8 player son her team 7 ofthem have ticket sto High School Musical on Ice in adelaide on that day! i'm guessing they will forfeit!! LOL cant see them wanting to not go so they can play netball! Kloe cant wait! Not long now!! DH still isnt impressed that he has to take her, but with only 10 days to go at that point I dont think i will be able to drive the two and a half hours to Adelaide, sit on a hard plastic seat for god knows how long then drive home again. a word......NO!

Jack is still going great guns. He is now 'crusiing' the furniture and even climbing!! OMG!!! He is so going to be the death of me. how am i going to cope with two of them??? And in 6 more days he will be 10 mths old. Where has that time gone??? He still a little baldy but oh so cute!!

he is forever getting into mischief. you forget how high they can reach when they want to!!! And he just LOVES pulling everything out from drawers and cupboards, anything he can get open! But who could tell him off when he gives you that big cute smile??

What else?? Seriously not much! Was suppose to finsih workk today but have decided to do another week. Well another four days actually, seeing as i have wednesday, thursday and saturday off! LOL thinking of the money and the lack of it soon.....sigh! :(

Been doing a fair bit of scrapping which I'm happy about! i lost my mojo so badly when I was pregnant with Jack but havent so far with this one! just hope I dont lose it after he is born!!

So just sharing some recent stuff, most of it done for the DT team over at Country Papercraft! Such a great bunch to work for and loving my time there!!!!

The first is of kloe and was done for a 'blind scrapping' classs I ran over at CPC. the 2nd is of my mum and was a DT challenge to use flowers and ribbons and a page for Mothers day.

The 3rd one here is of our upcoming new family member. just a whatever thing to do and the 4th is the first challenge from the blog. All of us DTer's from CPC had a go at this one!

And the last one is my favourite one I have done recently. The photo is of Kloe from my brothers wedding but it sdone using the wonderful papers by Kaisercraft and was done the celebrate CPC's 1st Birthday.

Ok not mush else to say so I'm off!! have a good one!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

So how have you been??

It has been like FOREVER since i have been on here. Sorry guys...its life you know, has a really bad habit of getting in the way. And tends to throw curly ones at you when you least expect or want them!

So whats been happening since...OMG september last year!! Well the kids have grown like weeds! Kloe is getting so tall!!! She got a FANTASTIC report to end her year 2 at school (last december). has been playing basket ball during the summer and loves it. Has been helping enormously whith Jack. She is my godsend! She loves playing with him and he just adores her!! She is now in grade 3 at school and loving it. Was a bit apprehensive about going back to school as none of her friends were going to be inher class, but she is coping with it all very well!! And hasnt had any trouble whatso ever!!! Great o!!

Jack is the never ending growing weed! He is so into EVERYTHING at the moment. yep 8 month old ball of destruction! I'm telling you he is such a BOY!!! he is commando crawling everywhere and has been since xmas. But in the past two weeks has been trying to do it properly on his hands and knees, does a few 'steps' finds it all too hard, drops to his belly and oammandos as fast as Flash Gordon!! I kid you not! You need to have eyees in you backside to keep up with him! He is in one room then another, at the cat food, in his sisters room, knocking everything in his path flying! He throws things when he is bored with them. laughs like a loon then keeps on motoring! he refuses to sit, even though he can! he just wants to GO GO GO!!!
but you cant get angry with him when he flashes those baby blues at you, smiles and the dimple just grabs you, says 'mum mum mum' repeatedly. you pick him up and he cuddles you,pats your back ad goes 'awwwwwww!!' And kisses!! he gives the best kisses!!! And if you are really luckyyou might even score his tounge!!! ewwww!!! LOL What can I say he is a junior casanova who likes to share his!!

But I guess the biggest news of all summer is that............I"M PREGNANT again!! yep!!! can you believe it! i damn well cant!!!

After suffering through years and years of infertility........spending thousands and thousands on IVF treatments, and creating two beautiful children i wouldnt swap for the world....nature decides to take over!
Ok to cut a long story short, at the beginning of February i was eating pizza and i got shocking heatburn after it. Now the only other times I have EVER had heartburn is when I was pregnant with Kloe and Jack. I sat and thought bout it or awhile and thought, well my jeans are getting tighter and my boobs are feeling firmer......NA couldnt be.......
But it got the better of me and at 9pm when Scott got home from work I went over to Coles and brought a home pregnancy test. cant be!!!!
So off to the doc's I went the next day...and yep sure enough the miracle of all miracles had happened!!!
Next step was to get a scan so we could find out how far i was……...couldn’t get in for nearly 3 weeks! My doctor cracked a wobbly and they squeezed me in thinking it was a 5 to 8 week scan to see if there was a heartbeat. So on a Monday afternoon I toddled off with Scott and Jack in tow to have the scan done, thinking we were going to see a little peanut on the screen.
Well our little peanut it turns out, had been in residence for quite some time!! had his own DVD player and lounge set up!! yep! I was WAY further than any of us realised!!! The scan lady said at least 22 weeks, I nearly fell off the bed!!!
Went back to see the doctor on Tuesday and he said the scan results came back saying 23 weeks so due date of the 1st of June! Jacks birthday is the 26th of June!!! So there will be 11 months between them, unless they bring it on early like they did with Jack!..
O yea and its a boy!!! I had to know!!!
So there you go thats my news and the story of our little miracle!!! So after 12 years of not using any contraception, both previous children being conceived through IVF we now have figured out how to do it naturally without even trying!!!!
BTW hubby is going in for a little operation of his own now!!! LOL

Ok so since then I have discovered my diabetes has returned...yuk!!! So bubba will definately be delivered early! They have given me a date of May 20th at the moment but that could change!! Having another scan this friday to confirm dates a bit more!
And thats it.....O and i'm so over Summer!! can you believe it's March and we are currently suffereng through our biggest heatwave of all time!! yep 9 days straight of plus 38 degree celcius temperatures and they are predicting at least another 7 to 8 days of it! its beyond a joke!!!
I"M MELTING!!!!!!!
P.S o and Miss julie i will do my tag soon i promise!!!